Hmmm, I feel it's almost fitting that the 100th post ends up being a Christmas greeting. No? It's as if it's almost my gift to myself since I started on this online journey. I kinda' like that. A double milestone. 100th post, and it's Christmas (almost:p)!
With the last couple of months just really crazy for me at work, It really felt like a whirlwind. I'm just glad I survived it:p
And with Christmas 2 days away, I have nothing to look forward to but fun times with family, yippeee!!!
And with the end of the year just around the corner, I wish for another fruitful blessed year for me and hubs, and for all our family and friends out there... love, peace, and prosperity...
woo hoo!!!! and advanced merry christmas to you too:P
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya;)