Saturday, 31 March 2012

Coffee, Tea, Or...

... Me(?) HAH!

(That is actually the name of a cafe we used to frequent way way back, in my single days)

Anyways, I am a coffee drinker, through and through. Never really been a tea drinker.

Somehow, I've made this association in my head that tea is usually for when: (a) my stomach is not feeling too well and needs something to soothe it, to soothe me; or (b) I'm hung over that even the thought of coffee just makes me want to hurl heehee; or (c) I'm having a nice cake/pastry for dessert and can't have a nice cup of coffee with it coz it's too late in the day and I need to get up early the day after and coffee will just keep me up all night; or (d) I'm in an Asian restaurant, be it Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

Although mind you, we have a stash of 2 or 3 kinds of teas at home (see above reasons). But like I said, not really a tea drinker, but if there is a tea out there to convince me to become otherwise, this is probably it.

Chocolate Chili Chai from David's Tea 

A lady at the temporary office I was working at a few weeks ago started bringing this tea for her to drink throughout the day. The first time she made this tea, I swear, the smell just permeated the whole kitchen. And it just smelled soooo divine!!! How can it not?!? Chocolate!

Well, it definitely woke up the chocoholic in me!:)

I really had no choice but to ask her and get me some of that delightful concoction.

It's definitely not inexpensive, but oh, the quality of the tea!

Interestingly enough, there is a nice tea shop near my work, not David's Tea but still, which I've probably ventured into only a couple of times, and somehow never really piqued my curiosity enough for me to try their tea.

After having this tea though, I will never look at tea the same way ever again.

I may just pay that tea place near work a visit again one of these days. Or better yet, actually go to David's Tea.

Maybe... I heard they have this other tea that has coconut and lavender... so, just maybe(?)...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Write-Off, Postscript

Guess I shoulda known better. 5 days ago, I said I was good for the month. No more shopping good, that is. But the shopping gods had other things in mind, I suppose.

Somehow, the retail wind whispered to my ears, via a friend, on the (almost) other side of the coast, nonetheless, that Winners, my "second home", is having jeans sale, as in J Brand jeans for $60 kinda jean sales.

So, on my way home, without thinking, my feet just led me to the store.

And no, didn't get any jeans. I didn't really need another pair, sale or not. But I figured, since I was there, I might as well look around some more.

Needless to say, after trying out a (Nanette Lepore, on clearance!!) dress, a couple of colored pants, and 2 pairs of shoes, I walked out with...

Pinto scarf
(isn't the hint of lilac pretty?:p)


Oh, and...

Sally Hansen in Plaid About You

My other sis loves these nail polish, and every other blogger seems to really like them too and has talked about it to death. Guess I finally just had to succumb to it.


Ok, there are 2 days left to the month. Now do I think I can finally say that yes, I'm good from this point forward?

"Yes, I'm good for the month from this point forward!"

See, that was easy!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Fine Dining, Home-cooked Style

Couldn't decide what's for dinner last night, so there I was strolling along the grocery aisle trying to spark some ideas. Then slowly, ideas started pouring out. Luckily.

Shrimp cocktail with (homemade) cocktail sauce

Lobster mashed potato

Sauteed green beans with fried garlic bits

Ribeye steak

... one of the best horseradish we've had to date
(picked up at Whole Foods on Friday:p)

It was a souped up meal, without a doubt.

I did realize, however, by the end of the meal, that the meal itself was not inexpensive, by any means. At the same time, we would have probably paid twice, even thrice, the price had we eaten in a restaurant. But it also took some effort putting this meal together. It took approximately under an hour, give or take, in the kitchen.

So in the end, was it worth it?

Heck, yeah! I think so, anyways...

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Since it's almost end of March, I think it's almost safe to say that I've had my shopping fill for the month. *sigh*

From top:
H&M ballet flats
American Eagle button-down shirts
H&M floral pants
Gap sweater
BR butterfly necklace
Gap skirt

Needless to say, consider this month a write-off, as far as {un}shopping is concerned.

Guess there's my spring shopping all wrapped up in 1 month. Pretty good, and efficient, no? HAH!

O well, like Scarlett said, "After all, tomorrow is another day"...

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


I've lost count of the number of times I've talked about this tote. Too often that even I got sick of hearing myself obsessing over it.

Fortunately, I've reached a point when it finally came out of my system. Well, I would still peek into Zara every now and then, but the emotions were no longer there. Sorta'.

Then, the funniest thing happened. One of the girls at work today brought all kinds of goodies from the package the she received from her brother from HongKong. Goodies such as purses, scarves, wallets and what-have-yous. It appears that the brother owns a business in HK and he sent her stuff all the time. So, she brought some goodies to work to share her fortune with her colleagues.

Lo and behold, look what was part of those goodies?!?!

Talk about strange! And lucky! No?!?!

... and looky what's included inside!:p

Wanna hear something pathetic? As soon as I got that baby, I just had to call the hubs and and email sis to tell them of my good fortune. heehee

Now, I wonder what can I obsess over next? Coz you just don't know...

Monday, 19 March 2012

Run, L____, Run

Over the weekend, I was pretty much in my kicks for the most part.

K-Swiss (Winners)

And whether right or wrong, I even wore one to work today *eyes averted*.

Reebok (Winners)

In the beginning of my career change, mind you that was almost 4 years ago already, I realized I didn't need to  subject my feet (and toes) anymore to all those heels that I've worn day in and out (yes hehe), 5 days a week, oh say, for a good 10, 13 years. Cray cray, right?

So when that shift happened, my feet definitely rejoiced. And I guess my feet I got carried away. Perhaps a tad.

You'd think I would have just considered flats, eh, but no! During those days, in my mind, work shoes just meant heels. Flats, what are those?

But yes, I eventually discovered the joys of flats. And boy, did I ever!... And I'll just leave it at that...

Sunday, 18 March 2012

(Kinda') New Look, (Kinda') New Beginning

I'm probably speaking for a small minority when I say I happen to have no attachment to my hair whatsoever. Not in a way that some women feel that it's part of who they are. The rare times I do something with my hair, the stylist can chop it all off for all I care. Which is why I never understood when I hear a woman who refuses to let go and embrace change.

Although a  strange thing did happen shortly after I got married. Whereas I used to go regularly to a salon to maintain my hair, I just got lazy taking care of my hair after marriage. (Ok, maybe not so strange a thing since, whether I admit it or not, part of the whole dating ritual is maintaining your looks which includes the hair.) I have seriously gone, sometimes, for almost a year not seeing a stylist and just do my own color too at that! eeeek Considering how I shop as well, I really cannot justify the way I've neglected my hair all these times *sigh*

And this is how sad I know it's gotten. Every time I go to the salon I've been going to for the last 2 1/2 years (which says a lot, for starters, especially for me), which translates to 3 visits thus far *awkward smile*, I always end up seeing a different person coz the person who last cut my hair no longer works there. (Mind you, my stylist today did say that some of the staff are on work-holiday permits only which meant the longest they can stay in the country is a year, which I suppose could partly explain why the changes in stylist at every visit. I'm sticking to that excuse reason anyway)...

So having realized all that this weekend, thanks to hubs' push, decided to have my almost yearly visit and get me some change:p

BEFORE (mind you, this was taken in Dec,
but you get the idea)


This is not a totally new look for me per se, as I've had this kind of asymmetrical (short on the back, although you can't see it from this pic, obviously) bob, but it almost is a new look, really, since I've let my hair grow so long for a quite some time now (guess that's what happens when you don't get it cut for a while, right? heehee).

And may I just say how glad I am to have finally gone!:p And so glad too I got the stylist I got today. This dude, Ryo, looks like you can just snap his pic and put him on any of those street style blogs, seriously! Now how can you go wrong with that kind of stylist, I tell ya. A stylish stylist! Hmmm, I may have just a found a new reason why I should maintain my hair more regularly, again. HAH! And I haven't even mentioned the assistant dude who, during the wash, massaged my head so well I almost fell asleep hehe

Oy, all of these ramblings just over hair?!? But is it?... Hmmm... Who just said she's not really attached to her hair... Hmmm...

Saturday, 17 March 2012

No-Meat Fridays

Mom raised us to practice no-meat Fridays during Lent. When we were kids, that meant no red (beef) or white (chicken, pork) meat. Instead, we had fish/seafood and/or vegetarian dishes.

Back then of course, fish/seafood were more abundant, especially for a country like the Philippines that's surrounded by water, which meant very inexpensive. Therefore, to eat that instead of meat really meant we're giving up something, foregoing some kind of luxury.

Which, these days, have kinda' reversed. Some fish or seafood in general have, as a matter of fact, become quite specialty items,  haven't they? So these days, does that mean having fish/seafood for these no-meat Fridays equate to some form of abstinence? I don't think so, either.

Baked salmon with mayo and spices

On the other hand, for a couple of people who are unapologetic meat-eaters, to not be given that option with any given meal (I'm saying even just an option, not that it would be the automatic choice) just doesn't feel right, therefore, almost equate to giving up something, no? But then again, we are trying to limit our meat intake and eat more fish. *sigh*

Anyhoot, with all these blabbering, did we really fall in line with the spirit of the season? No, perhaps not.  But, at the very least, I suppose something can be said about a practice that's been passed on for generations. No?

Spinach salad, with mandarin oranges, red onion
and candied pili nuts
(from the Philippines; because I don't have walnuts handy:p),
to go with our baked salmon

Pili nuts

And since it's now Saturday, good time for some steak for dinner, I say... HAH!

(Gotta get me some sleep tonight. Have an early hair appointment tomorrow. Yeay!)

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Birthday (Cheese)Cake

Yesterday was hubs' birthday. And since it was a weekday, we he didn't really feel like going out to celebrate. And thank god hubs is a simple guy. Give him some kind of meat and potato dish and he's happy as a clam. But since it was his birthday, figure the least I can do is provide a souped up version. So prime rib it was, with all the fixin'.

But the birthday cake is another issue. No matter how we celebrate our birthdays, be it just a quiet night at home or all out fine dining, one thing that's always present is the birthday cake. Naturally!

"Sin" Cheesecake from Trees Coffee House

Their cheesecake is apparently voted the best cheesecake in town. By who? Who knows! But boy, whatever cheesecake we've had there, so far, is delish for sure! We try not to have their cakes too often, for obvious reasons:p All imma say is that this one, for example, is called "Sin" for a reason HAH!

Hubs actually thought I forgot to get his cake and hinted at possibly getting cheesecake. So there I was cheesecake in one hand, phone in another, telling him that I might just quickly go to a nearby market to pick up whatever's available heehee... I love it when a plan comes together like that:p

Monday, 12 March 2012

What Was I Thinking?!?

Over the weekend I promised sis that I would get her these pants at H&M seeing that they're sold out in TO.

First attempt was Saturday when I thought they had a different style available here in the city. But as it turned out, it was the right pants after all. So I told her I'd go back to the store today.

Second attempt was thought as a failure, again, but only for a sec! As it turned out, the mannequin had my sister's size on. In short, thanks to a wonderful staff, off came the pants from the mannequin, and straight to my hands. Yay! And when I called sis to tell her, it was double YAY! heehee

With all that giddiness passing back and forth on the phone, it appears my "style" brain has gone haywire coz next thing I knew...

Yes, a second pair went home with me, sigh second pair being my size. It's not even my style!!! What was I thinking? But isn't it fun?!?

I figure I have 30 days to let all those flowers marinate in my head. It is definitely out of my comfort zone. But hey, maybe it's time to get out of my comfort zone and what better way to start than this full bloom of a print. AND, while I'm doing this, my sis can stare at this pix, I suppose, until she receives her pair.

BWAHAHAHA... (cue music) hehe

Saturday, 10 March 2012

When Life Happens

At the beginning of this week, I didn't really think it would be a busy week, but as it turned out, it was. Blech!

At the end of every day, from Tuesday til end of Friday, I really didn't have much energy left to do anything else. *grimace* Guess it didn't help that a night-out that usually happens on a Friday night, "ended up" on a Tuesday. And as much as I hate to admit it, although my mind can "party like it's still 1999" everyday, my body can't anymore *giggle*

Ah, such is life, eh? HAH!

So now I'm wondering how the week went, hmmm. Ah yes...

Salted caramel brownie from Cadeaux Bakery

git from friend from Thailand

Cashew clusters from Rocky Mountain Chocolate

Marni for H&M Collection

More Marni stuff (although didn't quite get the collection,
especially after seeing it in person, sorry)

Gingham and plaid shirts from American Eagle

In essence, life, outside work, for this week, translated to one thing. Sweets. Both real and sartorial... sigh...

Monday, 5 March 2012

Sweet Mother of Pork!

I had to work at a different office today, which meant no brown bag for lunch. Coulda' gone to Chinatown, seeing that it was really close, and had some me some "real" Chinese food:p or even Vietnamese, since there was a really good one in the neighborhood, but since those choices sounded like a given, I decided to forego and ended up in this other place.


Now I'm no food critic/writer/blogger, but for the first time in a long time, I think I may have just swooned a little over this small but packed sandwich. Can you even use the word swoon to describe food? HAH!

A real porchetta sandwich for a change! And mine was the last serving too! There was a nice crunch every now and then when a piece you bite into happen to have skin. The meat was tender and full of flavor. And the chimichurri definitely balanced out the fattiness of the meat. Best part was the crusty bread that sandwiched all that yumminess.

I say all this because I'm not a big sandwich eater, so for me to talk this much about A sandwich, I suppose that should say something.

The place itself (a butcher shop!) has some character to it, an old-fashion feel to the place. They sell mostly heritage meat, I think, from the brief glance I took of the place, and specialty cuts/meats. It's a kind of shop that at one point, got run over eventually by big-box supermarkets but is starting to re-surface, fortunately. Although one downside, I think, to a place like that, in a time that we're in, is that it's now considered a specialty shop, which doesn't translate well price-wise.

The question then becomes, are you worth it? If so, can you afford it?

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Food Club Meeting # 3, Finally... Kinda'

Earlier this week, we thought of pushing thru with our next food club meeting, and decided on Saturday, last night.

How much of a food club meeting was it? Not too sure. We were still 1 person short as one couldn't make it. Second, we ended up settling on Greek food. Not much of a "creative" choice for a "food club", me and 1 friend thought, but hey, we all each get our turn, and this happened to be someone's pick.

Having said all that, there was really nothing to complain about last night.

Lamb shank

The food was good, for sure, and even better was the company, as always.

Our reservation was for 6:30. So there I was, just finished with a prior engagement, shortly after 6, when I thought I'd kill some time walking around downtown since I had another 1/2 hour before our meeting. So thought I'd walk "through" H&M. pffft No sooner than 5 minutes have gone by, after walking in to the store, did I got a message from one of the friends I was meeting for dinner. She said she and the other friend were at a nearby hotel having drinks at the lounge, and asked if I want to join them before heading to dinner.

As I was about to respond yes, I realized I was having a hard time typing and was fumbling with my phone. Then, it occurred to me that my hands were full, that's why. Full with what?


Ballet flats = death of me.

All in a matter of 5 minutes or so at that! Who knew what else could have landed on my hands had I walked "through" a bit more, hmmmm...

Notice how stuff just seem to happen to fall into my hands every time I walk into one of "my" stores? Who am I kidding!!!

What was that they say, the first step is acceptance?

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