Thursday, 2 August 2012

Local by Day, Tourist by Night, er, Afternoon

One of the nice things about working at a different office (to compensate at least for being away from my element and peeps), is the change of scenery, especially since I walk home. So, for the last 2 weeks, I've walked in parts of town that I normally don't venture into, not so much because they're far, I'm still walking after all, but more because I've never found a need, that's all.

What makes it nicer is the fact that along the way are tourist areas that as a local, should probably bother me because of the too many people ambling around but I actually enjoy, in moderation, of course. I thought it's quite interesting trying to see things from their eyes. It makes me appreciate my town even more, in a way.

Gastown Steam Clock

I say for the view, I'm willing enough to not focus on the more than usual number of people out and about, although for some reason, there weren't that many when I took these pix yesterday.

Anyhoot, earlier tonight, was able to get into an advanced screening of Total Recall. While waiting for the movie to start, I thought it was quite interesting hearing the conversation of the people sitting next to me. One of them said he's seen it and he guessed the effect was good for its time *gasp*. To which the other person responded that she's never seen the original *bigger gasp* Sheesh, am I that old?!? The movie itself, in my humble opinion, was more of an homage than a remake. Keeping in mind that I've probably seen the original bajillion times so I'm quite familiar with the scenes, I find they switched the scenes around. It didn't have as many funny scenes as the original either. Oh, and some of the funny parts were lost, I thought, on the audience 'cause they were alluding to scenes from the original and the "younger" ones didn't get it, I suppose. And most interesting part, for me, was casting Bryan Cranston as the baddie. Not that he was not good (hel-lo, Breaking Bad!), just wasn't expected, that's all, for me, anyways.

But do I like it? Heck, yeah. Colin Farrell, after all... HAH!


  1. OMG! Did they have the three-breasted woman?
    Can't wait to see this many movies, so little time!:)

  2. I wanted to see it, but now I'm not sure :) thanks, I hate to be disappointed after a movie.
    Marta @ What Should I Eat For Breakfast Today?

    1. I think it's still worth watching for the special effects. Overall, it's an ok summer flick:)

  3. Nice pics...
    and I will definitely watch Total Recall,
    though I can't promise I will be able to control myself from comparing it to the original while watching... I know not a nice thing to do. But I do like Colin Farrell better than Arnold.

    1. Thanks, Ann! That's the best way to approach this movie though,I thinkn to not get disappointed:p And for sure, Colin! hehe

  4. I love playing tourist even in Australia. It's nice to see sights with a fresh eye, esp when walking about

    1. Ya, that's what it is, isn't it, fresh eye. It's quite fun, I think, to have that.

  5. these are great pics... i remembering seeing total recall. ha, i have never heard of brian cranston...

    ADAM ❤ ALEX Mommy

    1. Thanks, Jasmine! He's quite a good actor actually, just not sure if the right fit. O well... :p


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